Practicing MCQs

Practicing AP Lang MCQ


Objectives: Students will gain deeper understanding of various types of texts by analyzing passages from the AP Language and discussing the MCQs  in small groups.

Differentiation: Students select details from the poem based on their individual reading experience and understanding of the text. They are also given various options to respond to the poem depending on their personal level of challenges or strengths. Students can raise their own questions to probe into the implied meaning of the poem. They are provided with TPCASTT and the Method as tools to help them analyze the poem.

Grouping Rationale: Students will be grouped based on personal choice with consideration of individual learning needs, styles, talents and personality to maximize their productivity.

In each group, all participants are contributors; but several of them will also be a timer, recorder, facilitator, presenter, spelling/grammar checker.

Do Now:Name three biggest obstacles form the taking the Mock Exam yesterday. Share in your small group. How can we resolve some of these issues in two months before we take the real exam?

Acquisition: Timing

In an AP Exam, being able to read critically is required and reading speedily is another element of the exam.

There are 7-8 passages in the MCQ section and you are only given 60 minutes to complete 55 MCQs. Essentially you sent about 7-10 minutes per passage depending on how many questions there are in each passage.

Some strategies:

  1. Be familiar with question types.
  2. Factual: Words refer to, allusions, antecedents, pronoun references
  3. Technical: Sentence structure, style, grammatical purpose, dominant technique, imagery, point-of-view, organization of passage, narrative progress of passage, conflict, irony, function of…
  4. Analytical: rhetorical strategy, shift in development, rhetorical stance, style, metaphor, contrast, comparison, cause/effect, argument, description, narration, specific-general, general-specific, how something is characterized, imagery, passage is primarily concerned with, function of…
  5. Inferential: effect of diction, tone, inferences, effect of description, effect of last paragraph, effect on reader, narrator’s attitude, image suggests, effect of detail, author implies, author most concerned with, symbol
  6. Categories: Use this to Make Sample Questions
  7. Read through the passage quickly to gain an overall understanding to answer the questions that require you to understated the whole passage.
  8. Answer the questions by going straight to the section of the passage.
  9. Guess the answer before you read through all the answer choices.



Multiple Choice Section: 45 Percent of Total Score

Essay Section: 55 Percent of Total Score

Multiple Choice Section 1:

[Number Correct – (0.25 X Number Wrong)] X 1.2500 = ___________

Essay Section 2:

Total Essay Score (_____ out of a possible 27) X 3.0556 = __________________

Now: Multiple Choice Score + Essay Score = ____________

AP Grade Conversion Chart:

(Note: This chart can change yearly)

Score Range 108-150 = 5

Score Range 93-107 = 4

Score Range 72-92 = 3

Score Range 43-71 = 2

Score Range 0-42 = 1

Sample Scoring Lesson 1:  How It’s Done.


Multiple Choice: 30 right, 25 wrong (or 55 percent)

[30 – (0.25 X 25)] X 1.2500 = 29.6875

Essay Section: 5, 5, 5 (total score 15)

Total Essay Score 15 X 3.0556 = 45.834

29.6875 + 45.834 = 75.5215 (SCORE 3)

This example also shows the minimum need to pass: About 30 correct multiple choice questions (roughly 55 percent) and an essay score of 15 (or an average of 5).

IMPORTANT: A multiple choice question is either right or wrong. (Years ago questions could be left blank and not be counted against you–but that is no more.) Be sure to GUESS on every question–even those that you don’t have time to read. Pick a lucky letter and plug it into every blank.

Guided Practice

Each group is given the correct answer of the questions abed on of one or two passages. As a group, your job is to understand thoroughly why the answer is correct by proving detailed rationale and textual evidence.

Independent Practice

Once the group has completed with writing our the rationale for each answer, each member of the group will join members of other groups to form a new group where every member will be responsible to teach the passages they have studies by explaining the rationale for each question.

Homework: Complete the reading passage ” Roarer, Whisperers, and Moderators” by Samuel Johnson as well as the John Brown’s piece.



Objectives: Students will gain in-depth understanding of types of questions embedded in MCQ by examining a specific passage and discussing the MC in a small group.

Differentiation: Students select details from the poem based on their individual reading experience and understanding of the text. They are also given various options to respond to the poem depending on their personal level of challenges or strengths. Students can raise their own questions to probe into the implied meaning of the poem. They are provided with TPCASTT and the Method as tools to help them analyze the poem.

Grouping Rationale: Students will be grouped based on personal choice with consideration of individual learning needs, styles, talents and personality to maximize their productivity.

In each group, all participants are contributors; but several of them will also be a timer, recorder, facilitator, presenter, spelling/grammar checker.

Do Now: Identify three terms that you are not familiar with and discuss with your table partners.

Types (modes)

  1. Descriptive
    2. Expository
  • analytical
  • cause/effect
  • classification
  • comparison/contrast
  • definition
  • illustration
  • process
    3. Narrative
    4. Argument/Persuasion
  • call to action
  • cause/effect
  • challenge
  • claim
    reasoned judgment
    rhetorical appeals
  • emotional
  • ethical
  • logical
    unspoken assumptions
    5. Multiple Mode

Mini Lesson on  “Ellen Terry” by Virginia Woolf

  1. Q1: Claim and supporting evidence
  2. Q2: words to describe the author’s attitude
  3. Q3: Interpret a metaphor
  4. Q4: interpret the use of a binary phrase ( cause and effect)
  5. Q5: Interpret a metaphor ” a verbal life on the lips of the living”
  6. Q6 Logic ( generalization to specific; claim to examples; claim to expansion or further clarification)
  7. Q7: Anticipate the antecedent of a pronoun
  8. Q8: What’s the effect of repetition?
  9. Q9: Interpret diction
  10. Q10: Identify a pattern ( inversion sentence structure, periodic sentence structure, sentence fragment, connotative diction)
  11. Q11: effect of a specific  phrase
  12. Q12: interpret a phrase using context clues
  13. Q13: overall meaning of the passage

Independent Work

  • Students will discuss in their reading groups assigned questions based on ” Religious Medici” by Thomas Brown
  • Students will present their group answers to the class and finalize the answers.

Homework: ” Roarer, Whisperers, and Moderators” by Samuel Johnson


Objectives: Students will gain in-depth understanding of types of questions embedded in MCQ by examining a specific passage and discussing the MC in a small group.

Do Now: From you experience of doing the MC, what’s one of the most challenging questions? Identity the question and explain why you did wrong and what you have learned from the question that will help you avoid the same mistake when encountering the similar type of question. Share in a pair.

Mini Lesson: Review

  1. The MC questions center on form and content.  You are expected to understand meaning, draw inferences, and understand how an author develops his or her ideas.
  2. Types of Questions
  • Factual: Words refer to, allusions, antecedents, pronoun references
  • Technical: Sentence structure, style, grammatical purpose, dominant technique, imagery, point-of-view, organization of passage, narrative progress of passage, conflict, irony, function of…
  • Analytical: rhetorical strategy, shift in development, rhetorical stance, style, metaphor, contrast, comparison, cause/effect, argument, description, narration, specific-general, general-specific, how something is characterized, imagery, passage is primarily concerned with, function of…
  • Inferential: effect of diction, tone, inferences, effect of description, effect of last paragraph, effect on reader, narrator’s attitude, image suggests, effect of detail, author implies, author most concerned with, symbol
  • Categories: Use this to Make Sample Questions

the main idea/theme/attitude

  1. The author would most likely agree with which of the following?
  2. The narrator’s/writer’s/speaker’s attitude can be described as
  3. The author would most/least likely agree that
  4. The writer has presented all of the following ideas except
  5. We can infer that the author values the quality of
  6. The attitude of the narrator helps the writer create a mood of
  7. In context, lines “..” most likely refer to

the author’s meaning and purpose (Why did the writer…)

  1. “…” can best be defined as
  2. The purpose of lines “…” can best be interpreted as
  3. The writer clarifies “…” by
  4. The writer emphasizes “..” in order to
  5. By saying “..” the author intends for us to understand that
  6. By “..” the author most likely means
  7. The purpose of the sentence/paragraph/passage can be summarized as
  8. The passage can be interpreted as meaning all of the following except

the language of rhetoric (syntax, diction, figurative language, tone, etc.)

  1. A shift in point of view is demonstrated by
  2. The repetitive syntax of lines “…” serves to
  3. “..” can best be said to represent
  4. The second sentence is unified by the writer’s use of ….. rhetorical device?
  5. The word “…” is the antecedent for
  6. The style of the passage can best be characterized as
  7. The author employs “…” sentence structure to establish
  8. The tone of the passage changes when the writer

the speaker or narrator

the attitude (of the narrator or author)

word choice and selection of details (connotation)

sentence structure (syntax)

rhetorical reasoning


general conclusions

organization and structure (is there contrast, deduction, spatial description, etc.)

  1. The shift from “…” to “….” Is seen by the author’s use of…
  2. In presenting the author’s point, the passage utilizes all of the following except
  3. The speaker has included “…” in her argument in order to…
  4. The type of argument employed by the author is most similar to which of the following?
  5. The can be said to move from “….” To “….”
  6. The “…” paragraph can be said to be … in relation to …
  7. The structure of this passage is primarily one of ….
  8. rhetorical modes (narration, description, argumentation, etc.)
  9. All of the following modes can be found within the passage except

The rhetorical mode that best describes this passage is

  1. The author uses cause and effect in order to
  2. Which of the following best describes the author’s method of presenting the information
  3. The author combines retrospection with which other rhetorical mode within this passage?

documentation and citation

  1. Which of the following is an accurate reading of footnote…
  2. The purpose of footnote… is to inform the reader that the quotation in line
  3. Taken as a whole, the footnotes suggest that…
  4. From reading footnote…, the reader can infer that…

Student Independent Practice

In a group of 3 or 4, read and discuss the assigned passage from the practice test (A). Discuss the questions- content and format. Draw a conclusion on what you consider as the best way to comprehend the question as quickly as possible and respond to it correctly at the same time. Be prepares to share your insight with the class.

Exit Slip: What did I learn from today’s group sharing, which will help me do better in MCQ?

Homework: Bring in your completed synthesis essay based on Practice A to share in the class tomorrow.


Day 2 

Objectives: Students will gain insight about AP Lang  MCQ  through asking questions and sharing strategies in a  small group and class setting.

Do now: What’s a mixed metaphor? periodic sentence? loose sentence? relative clause? a single compound sentence? a simple grammatical subject? what does it mean when the book title is missing in a footnote? How is a book cited? an article? What’s an overstatement? understatement?

Mini Lesson

  1. Syntax-periodic sentence

A periodic sentence is a sentence which has been deliberately structured to place the main point at the end. Therefore, a period sentence will have its main clause or predicate as the last part.

Usually, a periodic sentence will be a busy sentence. Often, the very last word in the sentence will be the point the writer wants to emphasize.

Periodic sentences are mostly used to emphasize or to create suspense. Periodic sentences can also be more persuasive than normal sentences as they allow a writer to put all the reasoning or evidence up front before making the final point.

Here are some examples of periodic sentences:

    • Despite the blinding snow, the freezing temperatures, and the heightened threat of attack from polar bears, the team continued.
        (This example has the main

independent clause

at the end. The main clause is shaded.)

  • The winner of best city, with a mile-long modern shopping mall, cycle paths hugging every road, and a network of canals, is Milton Keynes.
      (This example has the predicate at the end. The predicate is shaded)
    • With two raw blisters and now unable to carry my pack due to two broken ribs and broken collar bone, I stared at my dead phone pleadingly.

(This example has the main clause (shaded) at the end. It ends not only with the idea the writer wanted to emphasize, but also with the very word (in bold) the writer wanted to emphasize.)

    • When I was shopping in the town yesterday, I saw Mike.
    • Because she knows the filing system, has more experience than the rest of the team, and can get into work at a moment’s notice, Sarah will be charge next week.

(This is an example of putting the reasoning up front before stating the main idea (shaded). This is an attempt at being persuasive.)

    Cumulative (Loose) Sentences

In a sentence, there are two locations that add emphasis to an idea: the beginning and the end.

2. Cumulative sentences complete the main idea at the beginning of the sentence, as in the following example:

Education has no equal in opening minds, instilling values, and creating opportunities.

Notice that the main idea or independent clause

An independent clause, also called a main clause, is a group of related words that makes a complete statement. Every sentence has at least one independent clause.

The following sentence is an independent clause:

Many people of all ages enjoy soccer.

Education has no equal” occurs at the beginning of this sentence. Then other ideas are added.

Here are additional examples of cumulative sentences:

Aruba is a vacationer’s paradise with its pristine beaches, sun-drenched days, and glorious breathtaking sunsets.The hotel has greatly expanded its customer base through the addition of a fitness spa, extensive advertising, and weekend specials.

3. A relative clause—also called an adjective or adjectival clause—will meet three requirements.

  • First, it will contain a subject and verb.
  • Next, it will begin with a relative pronoun [who, whom, whose,that, or which] or a relative adverb [when, where, or why].
  • Finally, it will function as an adjective, answering the questions What kind? How many? or Which one?

The relative clause will follow one of these two patterns:

Relative Pronoun or Adverb + Subject + Verb

Relative Pronoun as Subject + Verb

Here are some examples:

Which Francine did not accept

Which = relative pronoun; Francine = subject; did accept = verb [not, an adverb, is not officially part of the verb].

Where George found Amazing Spider-Man #96 in fair condition

Where = relative adverb; George = subject; found = verb.

That dangled from the one clean bathroom towel

That = relative pronoun functioning as subject; dangled = verb

4. single, compound and complex sentence

5. About subject

Independent Practice