Unit 1 Lesson 4

9.1.1 Lesson 4


Lesson 4 returns to the skill of close reading introduced in Lesson 1. A main focus of this lesson is for students to uncover connections between the Stage 1 epigraph and the Stage 1 narrative. Students will begin this lesson by close reading, from, “‘Ay caramba,’ Sister Maria de la Guardia…” to “Neither did they” (p. 226–227). Students will participate in an evidence-based discussion using text-dependent questions (TDQs). Prior to this lesson, students have been building their skills to respond to these questions using specific evidence from the text. In this lesson students will annotate by boxing unfamiliar words, starring important ideas, and writing their thinking in the margins or on self-stick notes.Students continue to determine word meaning through context, with a particular focus on words that develop character. Student knowledge of these words will be assessed through a Quick Write at the conclusion of this lesson. For homework, students will continue to read their Accountable Independent Reading (AIR) texts and will complete a vocabulary extension homework activity.


Assessed Standard(s)
RL.9-10.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the cumulative impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone (e.g., how the language evokes a sense of time and place; how it sets a formal or informal tone).
Addressed Standard(s)
RL.9-10.1 Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
SL.9-10.1c Propel conversations by posing and responding to questions that relate the current discussion to broader themes or larger ideas; actively incorporate others into the discussion; and clarify, verify, or challenge ideas and conclusions.


The assessment of this lesson is a Quick Write, which allows students to show how specific vocabulary from the text reflects the text’s essential ideas.

  • Explain why the girls’ parents accepted the nuns’ offer. Use the words ostracized and purgatory in your response to show specifically how these words reflect essential ideas of the text.


Vocabulary to provide directly (will not include extended instruction)
  • heifer (n.) – a young female cow
Vocabulary to teach (may include direct word work and/or text-dependent questions)
  • barbarity (barbaridad – Spanish) (n.) – crude or unsophisticated act
  • languid (adj.) – relaxed
  • hirsute (adj.) – hairy; shaggy
  • sinewy (adj.) – muscular; strong
  • purgatory (n.) – a place of purification or temporary punishment after death; a place in between two worlds
  • ostracized (v.) – excluded, by general consent, from society, friendship, conversation, privileges, etc.
  • bilingual (adj.) – able to speak two languages with the facility of a native speaker

Lesson Agenda/Overview

Student-Facing Agenda

% of Lesson

  • Standards: RL.9-10.1, RL.9-10.4, SL.9-10.1c
  • Text: “St. Lucy’s Home for Girls Raised by Wolves” (pp. 226–227)
  • Introduction of Lesson Agenda
  • Homework Accountability
  • Close Reading
  • Reading Reflection
  • Quick Write
  • Closing








  • None.


Learning Sequence

  1. Check in with students about the AIR text.  We  will begin discussing their reading in class in Lesson 6.
  2. As a whole class, review the paragraph that begins with “At first, our pack was all hair and snarl and floor-thumping joy”( p. 225and respond to the questions below-
    a)How are the girls acting in this paragraph?
    b)What are they forgetting?
  3. Reintroduce close reading: Now that you have experienced the text in its entirety and we will now engage in close reading to analyze the text more deeply. Rereading the text in smaller portions will help us gain new understanding by shedding light on the details and nuances of the text.
  4. In pairs, we’ll  read from “‘Ay caramba,’ Sister Maria de la Guardia sighed …” to “Our mothers and fathers were werewolves” (p. 226). Respond to the following TDQ(Text-Dependent Questions)s to explore unfamiliar vocabulary:
    a)How are the girls in Copacabana different from those at St. Lucy’s, and how do you know?
    b)What phrases or descriptions help you determine what languid means in this context? What does the word mean?
    c)What could barbaridad mean and how do you know?
    d) What do sinewy and hirsute have to do with in this context and how do you know?
    e)Thinking back to the word work done in the first lesson, where we analyzed the first paragraph, beginning with “At first, our pack was all hair and snarl and …,” how do the girls further show they are neither couth nor kempt?
  5. Reread the section, “‘Ay caramba,’ Sister Maria de la Guardia sighed.” and end before “Our mothers and fathers were werewolves” (pp. 226–227). Identify sections (words, phrases, and sentences) in the text that support the description of Stage 1 in the epigraph. Mark these pieces of text with a small star.
  6. When you are finished, Turn-and-Talk about the evidence found. Focus on SL 9-10.1c for this discussion by actively asking questions about your partner’s responses .  Be prepared to share out one piece of evidence with the whole group.
  7. As a whole class , discuss the following TDQs about the section that begins with “‘Ay caramba,’ Sister Maria de la Guardia sighed” and ends before the paragraph that begins with “Our mothers and fathers were werewolves” (pp. 226–227). Ask questions of peers as you discuss-a. Why does Sister Josephine use the word backwoods? b. What does the phrase, “we went knuckling along” reveal about the girls?c. From the narrator’s point of view, what is Stage 1 really like?
  8. Read with a partner the paragraph that begins with “Our mothers and fathers were werewolves,” again boxing any words you find new or unfamiliar (p. 229). After reading, you and your partner will write your understanding of this paragraph on a self-stick note.
  9. As a whole class, we’ll discuss the following TDQs to familiarize ourselves with the vocabulary.
    a)Who is ostracized in the text and how do you know?
    b)Why do the farmers ostracize the parents?
    c)Why do the parents ostracize the local wolves?
    d)From these clues, what does ostracized mean?
    e)Where is the werewolves’ purgatory?
    f)What are the qualities of this place?
    g)What is the word meaning of purgatory in this context?
    h)Why does Russell say that the pack grew up in a “purgatory”?
  10. In pairs, Turn-and-Talk about the following TDQs about the paragraph that begins with “Our mothers and fathers were werewolves”
    a)What important information do we learn about the girls and their parents in this paragraph?
    b)How will the girls be bilingual, and what does the word bilingual mean in this context?
    c)What offer did the nuns make to the parents? How do you know?
    d)Why is St. Lucy’s culture better?
  11. Revise your thoughts you have recorded on the self-stick note based on what you learned about the paragraph (“Our mothers and fathers were werewolves …”) through this whole-group discussion of the TDQs.
  12. Share changes in perceptions of the text.
  13. Reflect  on the discussions you had today. Complete a Turn-and-Talk about how you did with SL.9-10.1c.

Quick Write: Explain why the girls’ parents accepted the nuns’ offer. Use the words ostracized and purgatory in your response to show specifically how these words reflect essential ideas of the text.

Homework: 1.continue reading your  Accountable Independent Reading text.

2. Bring in two AIR reading logs

3. Interpret your quotation on education. Memorize the quotation.

4. Finish the reflection on the reading ( page 227).

Vocabulary Extension Activity

Select two words from the list below and explain the connections between them in “St. Lucy’s Home for Girls Raised by Wolves.” Write your two words and then explain how they’re linked to demonstrate comprehension of both word meanings and story plot.Vocabulary Words: purgatory, ostracized, civilized, bilingual, barbarity (barbaridad), remedied, culture, lycanthropic Examples:barbarity ß (CONNECTION: The girls show they are barbaric when they first arrive at the home, but the nuns have the charge to turn them into civilized citizens.) à civilized

ostracized ß (CONNECTION: When the girls lived with their parents they were ostracized by two different groups, but by the time they are finished with their education at St. Lucy’s, they should be bilingual and able to move between the werewolf and human culture.) à bilingual

bilingual ß (CONNECTION: The education the girls receive should enable them to be bilingual in two cultures.) à culture


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