Sonnet Lessons

Lesson 1 Sonnet ( Double Periods 86 minutes)

Objectives: Students will be able to analyze how sonnet as a fixed poetic form contributes to the overall meaning of the text through collaborative group discussions and gallery walk.

Analyze how an author’s choices concerning how to structure specific parts of a text  contribute to its overall structure and meaning as well as its aesthetic impact.

Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone

Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis.

Respond thoughtfully to diverse perspectives; synthesize comments, claims, and evidence made on all sides of an issue;


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Content: Students are provided with a laptop to help them with unfamiliar vocabulary or concept s well as today’s lesson plan.

Process: Instructions are scaffolded ( guided comprehension questions & graphic organizer) for students to follow. Handouts and other lesson tools are provided for students to respond to the text. Students are grouped according it their individual abilities, which are designed to enhance their learning.

Products: Choices are provided to help students complete the lesson task based on their individual abilities.


  • Do Now ( 10 minutes)
  • Mini Lesson and Guided Practice ( 15 minutes)
  • Student Independent Practice (part 1 20 minutes)
  • Student Independent Practice ( part 2 20 minutes)
  • Gallery Walk ( 10 minutes)
  • Exist Slip ( 7-9 minutes)

Do Now: ( 10 minutes)

Look at

Pay particular attentions to the form of each photo. Select one photo where the ” form” (how the objects/signifiers we see on the photo are organized) adds meaning to the image. How does form impact a viewing/”reading” experience? Ink-Pair-share.

 Mini Lesson & Guided Practice (10 minutes)

A. What’s form in poetry?

Read the glossary in website and in your own words, define the term.

For example, Form, in poetry, can be understood as the physical structure of the poem: the length of the lines, their rhythms, their system of rhymes and repetition. In this sense, it is normally reserved for the type of poem where these features have been shaped into a pattern, especially a familiar pattern.

Or Poetic form refers to a poem’s physical structure; basically, what the poem looks like and how it sounds. Elements like the poem’s type, stanza structure, line lengths, rhyme scheme, and rhythm express its form. Together, content and form make meaning, which is the message the poet gives to the reader.

B. How do we recognize a poetic form as sonnet?

Petrarchan/Italian Sonnet(

  • The Petrarchan sonnet is divided into two stanzas, the octave (the first eight lines) followed by the answering sestet (the final six lines).
  • The tightly woven rhyme scheme, abba, abba, cdecde or cdcdcd, is suited for the rhyme-rich Italian language,
  • Since the Petrarchan presents an argument, observation, question, or some other answerable charge in the octave, a turn, or volta, occurs between the eighth and ninth lines.
  • This turn marks a shift in the direction of the foregoing argument or narrative, turning the sestetinto the vehicle for the counterargument, clarification, or whatever answer the octave demands.

Shakespearean Sonnet (

  • three quatrains and a couplet follow this rhyme scheme: abab, cdcd, efef, gg.
  • Qutrains pose questions
  • The couplet plays a pivotal role, usually arriving in the form of a conclusion, amplification, or even refutation of the previous three stanzas, often creating an epiphanic quality to the end

Guided Practice

Read John Donne’s “ Holy Sonnet #9″ ( page 19) and pay attention to its rhyming scheme and structure

  1. Ask a student to read out loud the poem -under  words you don’t know
  2. Read the poem again. Circle details that stand out because they are interesting or strange.
  3. Now look up the words you don’t know from the laptop and jot down the definitions.
  4. Pose a question on a post it before discussing the poem using the questions below. Park your questions on your desk.

Check for understanding: What type of sonnet is “Holy Sonnet #9”? Is it made up by three quatrains and a couplet as in an English sonnet or a Octave and Sestet as in an Italian sonnet?

Student Independent Practice ( 50 Minutes)

Discuss the poem by using the following questions. Be sure to use the handout ( Sonnet Lesson Tool) to assist you . You will only share your responses to Questions 7, 8 & 9 on a poster paper before we do a Gallery Walk to share your analysis of the sonnet.

(20 minutes)  Discuss questions 1-6 & 10 and 11 ( part 1)

(20 minutes) Discuss  questions 7, 8 & 9 ( part 2)- needs to be displayed on a poster paper

(10 minutes) Share and comment on each other’s analysis of form by doing a Gallery Walk

  1. Who is the speaker in the poem? What kind of person is he or she?
  2. To whom is he or she speaking? In other word, describe the speaker’s  audience.
  3. What is the situation and setting in time and pace?
  4. What’s the purpose of the poem?
  5. State the poem’s theme in one sentence.
  6. Explain the meaning of allusion.
  7. Describe the structure of the poem. What type of sonnet is the poem? What’s its meter and form? ( use the handout provided) How does the sound ( rhyme, alliteration) contribute to the meaning of the poem?
  8. Ho does the structure of the poem contribute to the overall meaning or theme of the poem?( use the handout provided)
  9. What’s the tone of the poem? How is it achieved? Examine the use of DIDLS ( on the wall display).
  10. Recognize and discuss examples pf paradoxoverstatement, and understatement.
  11. Explain any symbols. Is the poem allegorical?Exist Slip: Individually, write in google doc( email me) or a piece of paper( leave it on my desk)-How does the fixed poetic form contribute to the overall meaning of the Holy Sonnet#9 ? Is it effective? Why?


  • Do a free focused writing on how the form of the poem contributes to the meaning of the poem.
  • Answer MCQs
  • Continue reading Metamorphosis by Kafka.


Lesson 2

Objectives: Students will be able to select a sonnet and analyze how structure, language style and sound contribute to the theme of the sonnet “ If We Must Die” or “ Sonnet #5” from Clearances “through collaborative group discussions, gallery walk and timed writing.

Analyze how an author’s choices concerning how to structure specific parts of a text  contribute to its overall structure and meaning as well as its aesthetic impact.

Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone

Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis.

Respond thoughtfully to diverse perspectives; synthesize comments, claims, and evidence made on all sides of an issue;



  • sonnet packet
  • lesson tools
  • poster papers
  • Lesson Tools: “Reciprocal discussion”; “How to write about structure?”
  • AP essay  rubric

Content: Students are provided with a laptop to help them with unfamiliar vocabulary or concept as well as today’s lesson plan.

Process: Instructions are scaffolded (guided comprehension questions & graphic organizer) for students to follow. Handouts and other lesson tools are provided for students to respond to the text. Students are grouped according it their individual abilities, which are designed to enhance their learning.

Products: Choices are provided to help students complete the lesson task based on their individual abilities.


  • Do Now ( 6 minutes)
  • Mini Lesson and Guided Practice ( 20 minutes)
  • Student Independent Practice (part 30 minutes)
  • Student Presentation ( 15 minutes)
  • Exist Slip ( 10 minutes)

Do Now: Go to the class google doc page. Write freely for 4 minutes about the sonnet you read last night. You can start with a word, line, punctuation, sound or title from the poem Group share. ( 8 minutes)

Mini Lesson and Guided Practice ( 20 minutes)

Activity 1: 

We have written a paragraph about analyzing how structure of a sonnet contributes to the overall meaning. We have also worked as a group about how to write about structure. Today, we’ll read two sample paragraphs and evaluate how effectively the writer develops his or her ideas about the relationship between structure and a theme.

Use the rubric to help you review and each group decides to write two “commendations” and two “recommendations” and post them in the shared document.

Rubric for peer review:

  1. _____ Use sonnet specific language
  2. ______identify the type of sonnet
  3. ______ deconstruct the sonnet into parts
  4. ______ explain the relationship of those parts
  5. ______ infer the overall meaning of the sonnet
  6. _______identify and explain the shift in tone
  7. _______Connects cohesively the theme of the sonnet through structure
  8. _______Support the claim with specific evidence
  9. _______Analyze the evidence

Self-Reflection: Through studying the two sample paragraphs, in your notebook: jot down three ideas you have learned today about writing about structure

Activity 2: Determining Themes: ( 10 Minutes)

When reading each sonnet, consider the following-

  • What is this poem about?
  • What do you think about the language the poet uses? Why?
  • How does the internal rhyme help glue the meaning together?
  • What poetic devices are present and how do they work within the poem?
  • Slant rhyme – or near or half-rhyme – (line/linen, shook/thwack, wind/hand). Why has the poet chosen to use such rhymes?
  • Did you enjoy the sonnet or not? Please explain.

Form the list of theme below, each group will:

  • Select 2-3 themes from the list below
  • Discuss why you picked out these themes and how they connect.
  • Identify evidence ( language, syntax and structure) that illustrate the themes.

-( “If We Must Die”) Honor, Bravery, Purpose, Identity, Alienation, Rebellion, Community Development, Mortality, Masculinity and Men, and Warfare.

-( Sonnet #5) from Clearance)  Identity, Intimate Relationship, Illusion,  Togetherness, Boundary, Loss and Emotional Trauma.

Student Independent Practice (30 minutes)

Prepare for Sonnet TPCASTT  Presentation Using Presi or PPPT

Use the following questions to guide your group discussion and prepare for presentation:

  1. Who is the speaker in the poem? What kind of person is he or she?
  2. To whom is he or she speaking? In other word, describe the speaker’s audience.
  3. What is the situation and setting in time and pace?
  4. What’s the purpose of the poem?
  5. State the poem’s theme in one sentence.
  6. Explain the meaning of allusion.
  7. Describe the structure of the poem. What type of sonnet is the poem? What’s its meter and form? ( use the handout provided) How does the sound (rhyme, alliteration) contribute to the meaning of the poem?
  8. How does the structure of the poem contribute to the overall meaning or theme of the poem?( use the handout provided)
  9. What’s the tone of the poem? How is it achieved? Examine the use of DIDLS ( on the wall display).
  10. Recognize and discuss examples pf paradoxoverstatement, and understatement.
  11. Explain any symbols. Is the poem allegorical?Exist Slip: Individually, write in google doc( email me) or a piece of paper( leave it on my desk)-How does the fixed poetic form contribute to the overall meaning of the Holy Sonnet#9 ? Is it effective? Why?

Check for Understanding: Group Presentation (15)

Exit Slip(10): Create an outline of the essay with a clear thematic statement in your thesis.

Homework: Select one of the sonnets we have read in class. Write the 1st draft of the essay analyzing how structure, language and syntax contribute to the theme.