
Syllabus for World Literature -SUPA Academy 10th Grade English

Teacher: Ms. D’Amato

Rooms: 207


Class Website:

MBHS Instructional Goals: At MBHS, our students will use text-based evidence and academic vocabulary to develop the skills to coherently articulate their ideas and arguments through writing across all content areas.


Welcome to the fall semester of the 2016-2017 academic year. This course will focus on the continued mastery of the critical thinking, reading, and writing skills necessary for further mastery of the Common Core Standards and preparation for future English coursework. Additionally, the thinking, reading and writing you engage in here will serve to develop your ability to identify and understand the voices around and within so that you may be better able to communicate your thoughts and feelings to yourself and others. Again, I welcome you, as you welcome this challenge.

Course Description

World Literature and Composition is a survey of influential world authors and works.  The academic goals reflect Common Core Standards and a focus on skills needed for the High School Common Core Regents exam.  World Literature students will study universal themes and examine the commonalities shared by all people as well as differences created by cultures. Students will independently apply literary concepts to readings, generate and substantiate original arguments, and identify connections to modern world events. The themes of identity and revolution will be studied throughout the year, and literary archetypes will be identified. Students will be expected to formulate essential questions for assigned readings.

Reading Focus

Major Texts: Students in World Literature will be exposed to a wide range of both classic and contemporary World Literature. Each major text will be examined in its cultural context to appreciate the history, diversity and complexity of world issues and their connections to your own experiences.

Complementary Texts: Additionally, your understanding of each major text will be enhanced by the reading of various complementary texts that are thematically matched. In general, these thematic units will consist of a major text, such as a novel, memoir, or play, with various complementary texts, such as essays, speeches, articles, letters, short stories, poems, and songs. Films, television shows, video clips and art works will also be “read” to both broaden and deepen your understanding, while expanding your literacy skills beyond conventional texts.

Critical Reading: As an Honors English student, your study of works in various genres will involve the following:

  1. close textual reading for comprehension and analysis
  2. vocabulary study to determine the meanings and effectiveness of words and phrases
  3. using advanced syntax and usage
  4. identifying and demonstrating an understanding of the use and effectiveness of various literary and rhetorical devices
  5. citing strong and thorough textual evidence to support your analysis

Writing Focus

Most writing assignments will derive from the literary study in some way. Some will be formal and some will be informal; some will be processed and some will be timed; some will be researched and some will not. Regardless, all writing, in conjunction with the reading, will develop your awareness of the interrelationship between writer, reader and subject.

Dialectical Journals: In order to enrich your understanding of the novels you independently read, you MUST practice dialectical journaling.  This is an exercise in deeper understanding for you, and I see a reflection of the work you have put into your reading.  Dialectical journals force you to INTERACT with your novel, rather than passively coasting through a story (only to come out the other end to say, “I didn’t like that/get that/read that/etc.)  Suggestions?  Write your own interpretation of a passage, analyze the meaning of an event, comment on it, make a judgment, question a character’s motivation, look up unfamiliar words, research an allusion or an unusual/unfamiliar custom.

Informal: You will use a combination of annotations, dialectal journals and timed free writes to engage in a close study of literature with the aim to improve your ability to critically think, read and write. These exercises will be used to aid in your understanding of a text and/or to develop ideas for a formal piece of writing. Though informal, these assignments will be taught, modeled and assessed. Formal: The major writings you are expected to compose are narrative, informative, argumentative, researched argumentative and text analysis. Each of these will be taken through the writing process, which includes brainstorming, organizing, drafting, and revision. To prepare you for research, we will focus on choosing quality sources, note taking, summarizing, paraphrasing, choosing, using and integrating quotes, as well as documentation using the MLA format. You will also be expected to complete constructed responses, which are modeled after the ELA Common Core Regents exam.

Language Focus

Vocabulary, grammar, and mechanics will be taught and reinforced through mini-lessons and in conjunction with reading texts and writing assignments.

Grammar (syntax): You will be able to identify sentence types (declarative, imperative, interrogative, and exclamatory) and structures (simple, compound, complex, compound-complex) and general independent and dependent clause types. You will also use a variety of these structures with an increasing awareness as to their effect on the style and meaning of a piece of writing. You will practice applying correct and effective syntax within your own writings.

Vocabulary (diction): You will be taught vocabulary related to literary terminology associated with the fiction studied in class. You will also be taught the rhetorical terminology associated with the study and use of non-fiction texts. Additionally, you will study vocabulary in context to further expand your vocabulary, as well as your understanding of diction and its effect on the development of an author’s aim. Careful attention will be paid to the relationship between denotation and connotation. You will practice applying your newly acquired vocabulary and attending to effective use of diction in your speaking and writing.

Mechanics (conventions): You will review rules regarding mechanics with an emphasis on how the rules relate to grammar. You will practice applying correct and effective conventions within your formal writing. You will determine and analyze the use and effectiveness of conventions, both when they are used and when they are broken.

Speaking and Listening Focus

You will come to class prepared to draw on your homework to engage in class conversations and activities, and you will practice using effective speaking and listening techniques that will stimulate thought and encourage conversation. You will be expected to listen carefully so that you can take in new information, ideas and/or evidence, reevaluate your point of view and respond thoughtfully.

Common Core ELA Regents Preparation

You will complete two Common Core Regents exams, which will help you become prepared with the exam’s format. In addition to these benchmarks, you will prepare for the exam by engaging in your daily activities. All activities will help develop the reading, writing, and critical thinking skills necessary to succeed in the test. There will be additional mini-lessons on successfully composing constructed writing responses and making your way through multiple choice questions .


You should expect to have 20-30 minutes of written homework each evening, plus reading. Homework assignments will be overnight or long-range. Much of your daily homework will involve reading with a corresponding written response. You can expect that written responses will be shared, collected and assessed regularly. Homework will be posted on our World Literature website.


Your grades will be determined by averaging the following:

  • Major assignments: 45% (tests, timed writing responses, final draft essays, individual projects, etc.)
  • Minor assignments: 25% (quizzes, writing responses, cooperative projects, etc.)
  • Class work: 15% (class discussions, participation, worksheets, reading assignments, writing assignments, etc.)
  • Homework: 15% (reading homework, writing responses, and grammar exercises, dialectical journals and annotations, etc.)

Academic Integrity

All work that you put your name on should be your own, unless you indicate otherwise by citing your sources. Plagiarism is a serious offence, which violates our School’s Academic Integrity Policy. Violating the School’s Academic Integrity Code will result in one of the following consequences:

  • Reworking and resubmission of the work in question for a reduced grade
  • An alternate assessment
  • A zero on the work in question

Note: The penalty will be determined at my discretion on a case by case basis.

Late Assignment Penalties

Late assignment penalties will vary according to the type of assignment. There are “finalized” assignments and “preparatory” assignments.

Finalized Assignments: Finalized assignments are not necessary to the operation of the class. For instance, final drafts of essays, final drafts on projects, and take home tests, always fall under this category. Work is considered late if it is not handed in at the time it is requested. Late finalized assignments will result in a deduction of 5 points per day.

Preparatory Assignments: Preparatory homework consists of any reading assignment or writing assignment that is necessary to the functioning of the class. Reading homework is always preparatory. You need to read the materials assigned by a certain day so that specific class activities can be performed by you and/or your classmates. Some writing assignments will fall under this category too. I will always indicate whether or not a writing assignment is preparatory in nature.


Make-up Work: Students are not allowed to make up any work missed or not submitted on the day of an undocumented/unexcused absence. You are expected to check with your classmates or website first for information regarding assignments missed and handouts needed. Once you have done that, you may see me for additional information, assistance, and support.


Three lateness warrant a phone call and/or email to a parent.

Leaving During Class

Restroom and Water: Use your time between classes to take care of your restroom and water needs. If you need to go to the restroom, please raise your hand to request permission. Once permission is granted, take the pass and exit the room as quietly as you can. Upon reentering the room, be mindful of not interrupting the lesson and return the bathroom pass to its appropriate place.

Emergencies: If there is a fire drill or a true emergency, stay calm, leave your belongings, exit the room by following directions to the appointed exit.

Electronic Devices

All electronic devices are not to be visible unless I instruct you to take them out for educational purposes.

Classroom Rules and Expectations

We have a lot to accomplish this year; therefore, your cooperation is r required. Here is a brief summary of my expectations.

  • Be On Time
  • Be Prepared: This means having all necessary materials with you. (See materials list.)
  • Actively Focus: This means listen attentively. Ask questions directly of me or fellow peers by raising your hand. If you ask someone on the aside, you will miss more information and create a distraction, which inhibits you and others from learning. Take notes on classroom discussions. This practice will help you with tests, writing assignments, and projects. Plus, it will keep you awake!
  • Be Kind and Respectful: This class is full of human beings with different personalities, backgrounds, strengths and weaknesses. It is also full of people who are under pressure to process and produce a lot of material in a short period of time. Being kind and respectful to your teacher and peers alleviates stress and makes everything easier and more pleasurable. It’s the least we can do for each other and for ourselves.

Tips for Success in Honors English class-

  1. Learn to organize your time.
  2. You really have to read the book to pass.
  3. Take notes or annotate as you read. Great literature should be read and re-read.
  4. Don’t give up!
  5. Listen and take careful notes in class and review, rewrite and reorganize these notes when necessary.
  6. Be motivated and responsible.
  7. Ask questions.
  8. Use the dictionary when you read. Look up words you don’t know.
  9. Be prepared to write, re-write and re-write again.
  10. Set goals. Don’t be swayed by those who don’t have any.
  11. Keep and organize all teacher handouts effectively.
  12. When in doubt or need, ask me.

Additional Resources:



Preliminary Unit: Introductions, Class Building, and Diagnostic Assessments (Weeks One-Two)

Assessments: Reading Assessment (multiple choice)

Writing Assessment (constructed Response, analytical and argumentative paragraphs)


Unit Plan (*Approximate and subject to change)

  Major Work Essay Response Informational Texts Grammar, Language:
Unit 1 Ancient Worlds (Sept.) Gilgamesh Constructed response to Campbell’s The Power of Myth, creation myth; Text Analysis of excerpts from The Power of MythArgument Essay on Matthew Arnold’s “Strong is the Soul, and wise, and beautiful: The seeds of godlike power are in us still: Gods are we, Bards, Saints, Heroes, if we will.” “The Hero’s Adventure” , “ Hero’s Diagram” by Joseph Campbell from The Power of MythIntroduction to Gilgamesh by John Harris

The Nature of Hero by Earl Babbie (

Parallel StructureSemi colon

Complex sentence structure

Epic, archetype, collective unconscious, Deductive and Inductive Reasoning, tone, diction, syntax, paraphrase, summary, , claims, thesis ,satire, irony, metaphor, anaphora
Unit 2 Indian Literature & Colonialism(Oct)( SiddharthaThings Fall Apart Imperialism mini-research (Argument)Text Analysis of excerpts from Siddhartha  George Orwell’s Shooting an Elephant

Articles from Hermann Hesse’s Siddhartha
An Open Source Reader
Edited by Lee Archie
Jeffrey Baggett
Bill Poston
John G. Archie

Use of Phrases,Idioms, main clause, subordinate clause Introduction to the concepts of critical reading (interpretive vs. escape) and writing as a process, writing to learn, writing to communicate, diction, syntax, context clues, denotation, annotation, synonym, antonym, parts of speech, subject, main idea, specific detail, tone.
Unit 3 Chinese and Japanese Literature (Nov.) Poetry, Tale of Genji translated by Edward Seidensticker
Narrative 1 Parable: the past and identityLiterary Analysis  Maxim Hong’s “ Women Worrier” Excerpts Syntax Stereotype, Buddhism, Taoism, TP-CAST
Unit 4 Ancient Greece and Rome (Dec./Jan.) The IliadOedipus


Radical Thinker mini-research (Informational): Hamartia-Tragic Flaws Argument and Literary Analysis: Character Development  Plato’s Allegory of the Cave and other literary criticism articles EtymologyComplex sentences Tragic hero, epic hero, epic cycle,  writing based on history, adaptation, hubris,
Units 5/6 Middle Ages Renaissance Rationalism, Morality(Jan./Feb.) Excerpts from The Canterbury TalesExcerpts from Ivanhoe


Literary Analysis on Morality, Justice and Judgment  Francis Bacon’s essay on  Civil and Moral Semi-colon/Colon Shakespearean language, sonnet, heroic couplet, iambic pentameter, internal and external conflict
Unit 7 Romanticism and Realism(March)  Paradise Lost


Non-fiction Claim / Counterclaim on Editorial: nature of the universeArgument  An Essay on Man by Alexander Pope- “Of the Nature and State of Man, with Respect to the Universe” Context CluesTest strategies

Formal syntax

 Elevated language, modern epic,
Unit 8 The Modern World(April/May) The Metamorphosis Literary Analysis: ExistentialismArgument & Literary Analysis  “You’ve got to find what you Love” Steve JobsExistentialism and Human Emotion by Jean-Paul Sartre

Figures of Speech/Nuance & subtleties  Symbolism
Unit 9 The Contemporary World(May/June) Toby’s RoomElie Wiesel’s Night Literary Analysis: Constructed Response of Wiesel’s use of languageArgument  essay  Mark Twains’ essay War Prayer(“The 8 Stages of Genocide” Gregory H. Stanton (briefing paper)

“Genocide Since 1945: Never Again? Scott Lamb (article)

How To Read Literature Like a Professor by Thomas C. Foster (Chapter 6 )

CC Regents Review  Memoir, Figurative Language, Imagery, Parallelism, Persuasion, Diction, Syntax, symbol







Grammar/Usage Reading Writing Speaking/Listening Thinking
Parallel Structure, Use of Phrases, Semi-colon, Colon, Commonly Misspelled Words,Context Clues, Use of References for Etymology, Figures of Speech/Nuance, Greek & Latin Roots. Close  and Independent reading of class novels (and most text readings). This includes (but is not limited to)Gilgamesh, The Canterbury Tales, Siddhartha, Iliard,The story of Pyramus and Thisbe from the Metamorphosis The Fall of Troy from Aneid,,  Oedipus the King, Othello, Paradise Lost,  Things Fall Apart,  The Metamorphosis, L’Morte D’Arthuror Ivanhoe, Faust , The Master Builder and Toby’s Room.-Student choice of contemporary world author. -Practice the writing process: outlining, rough drafting, editing, revising, final drafting.-Effectively edit one’s own essays and those of peers.

-Accurately use academic and domain-specific vocabulary.

-MLA format research paper on a revolutionary figure.

-In-class writes under time constraints

-Recognize how style affects tone in reading and speaking.-3-4 minute Revolutionary PowerPoint.

-Regular impromptu discussions and presentations of work.

-Presentation of newsworthy events that reflect class themes.

-Initiate and participate appropriately in class, small group and partner discussions.

-Use diverse media, evaluating for credibility, to support claims in discussion.

-Present information clearly and logically in a style appropriate for your purpose and audience.

-Make strategic use of digital media in your presentations.

-Adapt speech to a variety of contexts.

-Regular use of

Cornell notes.

-Socratic seminar

-Generate essential questions for assigned readings.-Recognize connections between world events and themes in world literature.

Contract for World Literature Course – BECA 10th Grade English

I will always work, think, and behave in the best way I know how, and I will do whatever it takes for me and my fellow students to learn. I am responsible for my own behavior, and I will follow the teacher’s directions.

• I will attend classes on a regular basis and bring a note from my parent or guardian when I am absent.
• I will come prepared for class with my class texts, class materials, pen, and pencils.
• I will actively participate in class; I will raise my hands to ask questions and complete class assignments.
• I will do all my homework. If I am absent I will ensure I get the missed assignment.
• I will check my class progress in the class regularly by using Skedula and checking with my teacher from time to time.

Parent or Guardian
• I will make sure that my child attends class regularly and I will provide the teacher with a note if he or she is absent.
• I will check his/her notebook on a regular basis to make sure the work is being done.
• I will continue to check on my child’s progress by using Skedula, or contact the teacher by email or phone.
• I promise to attend parent-teacher conferences when they are held throughout the school year.
I have read the above grading policy, and I agree to follow the rules and expectations for Mr./Mrs. _________class.

Student Signature: _______________________________________

Student name (printed)____________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature:___________________________________

Parent/Guardian name (printed):___________________________________

Parent information: What is your relationship to the student? _________________

Please provide a phone number in which I can reach you- (      ) ___________________
Please provide your email address:_________________________________________
Best time to call:________________________


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